Today your mom had to work so me and you had another day together. You took a nap around 11:30am and woke up around 1:00pm. After you got the sleep out of your system, I fed you some lunch. Oddly enough, you woke up in a good mood. I decided to take you out for a walk around the neighborhood. I had you don your new camoflauge bucket hat to match you camo pants, grabbed your water, and we were off. Everything was fine for the most part. The sun was out and you were enjoying our walk. We turned the corner on Old River School Dr. and continued North. Your head must of got hot so you took off your hat. We were about halfway up the street when "Pow!" That's the sound of cranium meeting concrete. No matter how many times you try, concrete will always win. You went into silent cry mode as I picked you up. Initially I thought you hit the side of your head, but then I saw the knot on your forehead. Uh Oh!! Mama's gonna be mad. I quickly offer you some water to distract you from crying and it works. You sympathetically sip from you cup and I hug you tight. Within 20 seconds you stopped crying. David U Genius! I still don't know how you hit your head because you're pretty good at putting your hands down to break your fall, but every now and then that massive head makes its way through towards the ground. I've been pretty lucky to this point because all of your major bonks have occured on your mom's watch. I guess even my luck was bound to run out. I'm just glad that you were okay and lived to walk another day. By the way today is your Birthday and you are now 20 months old. Happy Birthday Vladimir!!!
Whoa, that's a pretty nasty knot on his head. Poor baby. Hey accidents happen to the best of us. Glad to hear he's okay.