Wednesday, July 25, 2012


You have become quite the expert at this motorcycle game on your Ipad. I tried it a couple of times and crashed over and over. You take over and completely wipe the floor with me. I am once again amazed at how fast you can pick up certain things. This was shot with the intention of sending it to your mom while she was away for a couple of days, but it never happened. She can check you out here though.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pin Pals

Today was quite the day for you Vladimir. We took you to the bowling alley for the very first time. We went down to the Keystone Lanes on Florence. You had never tried bowling before so we weren't sure how you would react. We got there really early because it was only $1 per game and you know your papa is real smart about his money! Well, after we got our shoes and lane it was off to see who had their "A" game. It became clear that you liked what you saw once the various bowling balls started striking down the pins throughout the bowling alley. We finally got our game set up which consisted of you, your mom, and myself (V-Dude, M Bear, and P Bear). We had the bumpers come up when it was your time to bowl and off you went. The ball was a bit heavy, but you were able to manage it with two hands. You had a slow start, but then you got the hang of it. You even managed to roll the ball down the wrong lane at one point. Another thing that became apparent was that your mom must have left her "A" back at the house because she wasn't doing so well. Now, that's not to say that I was lighting the world on fire, but I was doing a lot better than your mom. Let's just say that there were enough gutter balls coming from your mom that I even considered putting up the bumpers for her. I was able to finally get the first strike between the three of us and not to be outdone you were sly enough to actually get your own strike. Your mom came close, but left one pin stand on a couple of occasions. All and all, we had a great time. We ended up being there for about two hours and you were really happy. I think you'd actually enjoy going back for another few rounds with us. Maybe your mom can secretly go back without us and practice her game. : ) Shortly thereafter, we took you down to the La Mirada pool so you could swim your booty off which you thoroughly enjoy doing. You had a blast as always and we ate at our favorite pizza place Gondolas to top off the day. Another awesome adventure in the books!
