Monday, April 29, 2013

Maui 2013

Our Departure & Arrival

Leading up to this vacation, I was pretty nervous about your first time aboard an airplane. I wasn’t sure how you would react once we were upon in the air. The pressure in your ears can be a bit overwhelming and I was afraid that if your ears began to hurt, you wouldn’t know how to handle it or express yourself other than crying relentlessly. The common things people use to combat ear pain is to chew gum, however you do not even know what gum is at this time. We ended up bringing a big bag of chewy fruit candy aka “vitamins” to help you if needed. Our plane was to take off at 530pm. We were there early and the anticipation continued to build. While we were sitting at LAX, we even saw the great Reverend Jesse Jackson. Finally, it was time to board and the moment of truth. You were very excited to see the big airplane and to have a window seat. We would soon embark on our five and a half hour journey to Maui. The view from the window seemed to entertain you and once we were up in the air, a sense of relief came over us as there were no indications of any ear pressure problems so far. Of course, we still had the descent in Maui to worry about, but that wasn’t for a few more hours. You played on your Ipad for most of the trip and then settle in for a short nap. We arrived around 800pm Sunday night. Again, there were no issues with your ears so that was a welcomed outcome. We found our way to our luggage and then it was off to locate our rental car. While at the rental place, I was told that the cost of insurance for the week was almost two hundred dollars. Tired and just wanting to leave, I reluctantly accepted it just in case. Little did I know the importance of that decision! Now, we were on our way trying to locate our home for the next week. We arrived and finally made our way into our townhome. Wow! It was actually bigger than the home we live in here in Downey. You immediately began to run around the place seeing as you had much more space to do. We were all very excited and glad to have made it safely. We did a little unpacking, but we were tired and decided to call it a night. Our adventures would kick off the next morning.
