Quick update to this bed transformation and newly found freedom that took place over the weekend. I've been told by your mother that you've been waking up around 4am and trotting your way over to our bed before it's time for her to get up. Well just as I suspected would happen, you caught me off guard this morning. Around 4:10am, I was grabbing my stuff out of my drawer in your room, when you suddenly sprang up. Sort of like the Undertaker does after he's been put down on the wrestling mat. I went over to you and laid you back down and covered you back up. You appeared to just stay still and I thought all was well. Now mind you, it wasn't a good night for either of us as your periodic coughing kept me awake most of the night and probably you as well. Though most of the times you're doing it with your eyes closed so maybe it doesn't affect you as much. Your mom on the other hand doesn't even seem to rec elect such coughing dilemmas taking place as she is wistfully sleeping through the night. Anyways, back to the story at hand. I said good-bye to you and your mom as I do every morning and went outside to leave for the day. I hit the car alarm (which you have now become so familiar with, every time you hear it you run to the window to see if I'm leaving). After I started the car and sat there for a moment to let it warm up, I glanced over to the living room window and low and behold who should be starring right back at me but you!! You had your hands across the window sill with your head laying on them and head turned sideways. I said "What the ####?" I couldn't help but laugh. I come back into the house and ask you what you are doing up. You just look at me and don't say a word. I usually leave the light on in the living room for your mom so that helped you find your way through the darkness. I picked you up and took you to our bed and told your mom guess who was watching me leave for work. Talk about catching someone by surprise! In her half asleep, half slurred voice she said "What the ####?" I kissed you both good-bye again and was back on my way. Are these the kind of adventures that we're in store for? Who knows? You seem to be a light sleeper at times which is very much like me so I wouldn't be surprised if this starts occurring more often. I just have to remember to keep my sense of humor. I just got off the phone with your mom and she told me the fun didn't stop after I left for work. Apparently, you didn't want to go back to sleep and decided you wanted to start off your day bright and early. Activities that took place included, but were not limited to: playing with your basketball, pushing your chair around the house, and finally reading a book in the dark. All this before 5am. Vlad, you're such a clown!
you better be careful with that, make sure you have locks he cant open when your gone and my sister sleeping