Yesterday was a very scary day for you and us. Around 1:00p.m. I got a phone call from your mom saying that you had an accident at your nana's house. Immediately, my heart jumped into my throat, until she said you were doing okay. Apparently, you were able to push your way right through a window screen and fell outside into a rose bush. I couldn't believe it. I got off work and went straight home. Your mom was already on her way to pick you up. We were able to get you an appointment to see your doctor around 3:30p.m. When I got home your were in good spirits. It looked like nothing ever happened to you. That was until I turned you around to the backside to see the damages. It looks like Freddy Kruger paid you a visit. You were cut from your back all the way down to your legs. Ouch! You gave me a hug, and I squeezed you tight. What a tough little kid you are. You only would cringe if we actually touched your wounds. So after seeing the doctor, we were told to keep a close eye on the cuts to make sure they don't get infected or start to swell up. Neosporin should do the trick in helping the wounds heel right up. This was a definite learning experience. I thank God that you weren't seriously hurt and it just serves as a reminder to everybody involved that children need to be constantly supervised because in the blink of an eye something like this can happen. After your doctor visit we went to Home Depot and purchased some screen clips that will hold a screen in place so something like this won't happen again. A cheap $3 fix but more important, a wake up call to all of us!
Awww...poor little tough guy. I bet it looks worse than it really is. Either way, he's lucky to have a set of parents that care enough to freak out and rush home. You guys rock!