This is just a quick post to annotate some of your current weird habits and sayings before you stop them and I forget. I'll begin with some of your habits. In our living room we have tile flooring and in a certain spot there is a small black stain that you always sit next to and start blabbing away. Don't know why, but for some reason you always go there and point to it and start talking about it. Outside the house in the backyard, there is a large crack in the concrete and everytime you see it you proceed to step on it and yell in an angry fashion. You'll do this two or three times. In the bedroom(usually on the weekends) after we get up and put your shoes on, you immediately run to the very left corner of the sliding door and shake your head saying no. After I say no, you do it one more time and I again say no. It's always two times, no more no less. You also have this hair fetish(especially with your mom) where you grab our heads and sniff our scalps. After sniffing, you look at us and start laughing. You may do this over and over again until we stop you. On to some of your sayings. (These will be spelled to the best of my abilities) The first is something to the tune of "Ah Shlah". This is followed by a Hmm Mmmm. You also have a variation of this called "Ah Ta." Also whenever I ask you the question, "Do you know that Daddy loves you?" you say "Ahhh." We usually do this in sets of threes. Well that's all I can think of right now so I guess that's it.
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