On Saturday, we were finally able to pull out your first little pool. We had bought it last weekend from Big 5 along with an old school foot pump to inflate it. It was pretty warm in the morning so I decided to give it a try. Well it was simple enough. Plug the two holes and the begin the pumping process. I quickly found out that this wasn't as easy as pumping up a bike tire. In fact after only a few minutes I was already tired, sweating, and getting frustrated at the lack of progress. Luckily, Vlad's tio David was also on hand to try and help blow up the top portion of the pool with the mere air in his lungs. Together it would take us approximately 20 to 25 minutes before it actually looked like a pool. After all the hard work it was time to get you inside. Your mom applied sun tan lotion to you and you were ready. Unfortunately, the water didn't really have time to warm up, but you took it like a man. You were sat right down and didn't even really complain. Your tio and mama would join you and you had a blast. It quickly got warmer, but the water was still taking its time warming up. You were splashing the water, and throwing your toys outside the pool. It looks like you have a new cool summertime activity courtesy of Big 5. The only problem is, I don't want to deflate it after all the effort it took to get it up and running. Oh well, I gues we'll have to just suck it up!