Today is Friday May 29th 2009. From this day forward I will begin to document the life and times of my son Vladimir Parra. Currently Vlad is 19 and a half months old. Vlad, I apologize for starting this so late in your life, but like they say better late than never. I will try to keep up with you because everyday you do something new and your old habits tend to go away. I want to keep track so that we can one day look back and have a laugh or two at your expense. I really don't have any excuses since I'm not in school right now, but things always come up and side track me. So let us begin our journey and share with the world your wonderful life experiences as seen through the eyes of your father.
I think this is beautiful. Vlad, you have to know how happy you have made your parents and how proud your father is of you. I am sure you are going to grow up to be a great, respectable man. You have two wonderful parents who love you and will do absolutely anything for you. I am proud to be part of your documented life. And I hope to meet you soon.