Last night we went out to dinner at Acapulco. I had a coupon for a free meal after taking one of their online surveys and you better believe I wasn't going to let that go to waste. It wasn't really packed so I expected to get our meals in a pretty timely manner. After we gave the waiter our orders we had some time to fool around. You were sitting in the high chair and started to waive your hands up and down. So in typical fashion, I began to egg you on and do the same thing. I was waiving my hands up and down and saying "Yo Yo Yo" as we used to do in the past. Next thing I know you grasp your hands together and in a rather smooth and methodical motion you start to go from left to right. I started to crack up and wanted to see if you really knew what you were doing. So I raise my hands up and down again and you do the same. Sure enough after a couple of seconds you begin to sway you arms in a circular motion. Wouldn't you know it, you were doing the cabbage patch dance. This would continue to go on and on all night if I had let it. Finally our food arrives and we get ready to dig in. You were still pretty enthusiastic about your new little dance, but eventually you gave in to your hunger. By the time we were done, we were all fat and happy. Isn't that what life is truly about? Being fat and happy.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Again, today is Friday May the 29th and I am off of work today so me and you are home together. Currently you are sleeping while I listen to some rap music. Tech N9ne is on right now! The day began with you once again amazing me with your intelligence. I have been showing you how to say shhhhh. That's one of the pages from one of your favorite books and I've been showing you to say this along with putting your finger towards your mouth while you do it. Anyways you were in the room while I was in bed and you were going through your books as usual looking for one to read. I made eye contact with you and started to say shhhhh to you. You replied by saying it back to me. All of the sudden you start looking down at your books. In my head I was thinking no way are you trying to find that one particular book with the shhhh in it. Sure enough you went through looking and then amazingly you remembered that you had put that particular book on the other side of the bed. So you run over to the other side and grab the book. You then proceed to open it up and find that exact page and once again tell me shhhhh. I was speechless. Your little brain is already working at an amazingly level. Wow!!! A little more about the rest of our morning. We went over the other house in Lynwood so that I could try to restore some order to what used to look like a front yard. Nana agreed to watch you while I attempted to bring the yard back to a decent state. It has been around 3 or 4 months since the grass has been tended to so you can imagine the science experiments that were growing. Let me just say this, never let horse hay get out of control. That stuff was everywhere. It took me approximately two hours to get a hold of things and I can say that it now looks decent. I'm sure I'll be feeling it in the morning. While I was busying hacking away in the yard, you were busy throwing up on yourself. Don't ask me why! I fed you eggs in the morning and I think you had a cookie as well. Something made your stomach unhappy. Nana was kind enough to clean you up and give you a bath. That saved me some time when we got back home. We got back around 11:30am and after I showered up I proceeded to put you to sleep. What a piece of cake that was. You were out in five minutes. For some reason I've always been able to get you to sleep fairly easily, but we won't get into that right now. Well that's it for now. I'm signing off for now. We have our good friends Omar and Ana coming over for dinner tonight. I have to start cleaning the house up a little. You will probably start to wake up right now as well so I have to go.
The Beginning

Today is Friday May 29th 2009. From this day forward I will begin to document the life and times of my son Vladimir Parra. Currently Vlad is 19 and a half months old. Vlad, I apologize for starting this so late in your life, but like they say better late than never. I will try to keep up with you because everyday you do something new and your old habits tend to go away. I want to keep track so that we can one day look back and have a laugh or two at your expense. I really don't have any excuses since I'm not in school right now, but things always come up and side track me. So let us begin our journey and share with the world your wonderful life experiences as seen through the eyes of your father.
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