Last week was really big for you Vladimir. It started off as usual. You went to your daycare and school during the week. I was picking you up because your mom had been staying late at work. Wednesday was a nice day so I wanted to take you to the park after I picked you up so that you could run around for a bit. Anyways, I had you get into your car seat. Immediately you start looking around for something to eat and drink. I gave you your cup with water. Then I ask you if you wanted a cookie (which is really an air puff). You gave your usual grunt meaning yes. I've been asking you to say the word cookie before I give them to you. This time I asked you to say the word and to my surprise you said it back to me. You stretched out the word and it sounded like that bird when he says Coo-kie Crisp. I asked you to say it again, but you didn't. Maybe I was just hearing things. So we headed to the park to have some fun together. As soon as we start driving past the park you start pointing towards it because you are very familiar with it. We just haven't been going as often because of the rain. So we get off and you have a blast. You mostly wanted to go on the swing, but you also went on the slides as usual. When I got you back to the car and into your seat I wanted to test you again. I asked you to say cookie again and you did. I said, "Holy Ghost Batman" I'd better record this to show your mom. So I pulled out my phone and asked you to say it again and you did. David U. Genius! I wanted to keep going. I asked you to say swing and you said what sounded like swin. Close enough for me and I got you on camera again. Finally I asked you to say the word mama. To this point you've only ever said Dada even though I've stressed you to say Papa. Well, I asked and you said mama to me. I pulled out the camera phone again and got you to say it three times. How cool of you? How happy and proud was I? I just know that 2011 is going to be a big year for you. Your mom came home later that night and didn't exactly have a great day. I knew what would cheer her up. I showed her the videos of you and it brought a huge smile to her face. Then I asked you to say the same words to her in person and you did. However, you weren't finished yet. Just before she came home, you wanted to me to read your ABC book to you. When we were on the N page you said the word nose. You've never done that before. I also asked you to say the word sappato and slipper and you definitely tried your best to say those as well. Finally later that night your mom said that you knew how to say the word hi. So I asked you to say hi and you did and also gave me a wave. Amazing, you said all these words in on day. Have you been holding out on us??? I don't want to press you too much, but I'm so excited to hear you say words. Let's keep it going. Lastly, every once in a while you will raise your voice and say Dada when we play around. That night you said mama instead and started yelling it out. It was so funny. I told your mom she better get used to it and she just smiled.