Where to begin? Yesterday, we were off to take your mom to her self defense class in West L.A. Everything was moving along normally. We had stopped at Chipotle to grab some chips and guacamole for a snack on the way. Then we hopped on the freeway and were on our way. Of course you had to have a few chips for yourself. We were heading west on the 105 freeway when I decided to get into the carpool lane to save some time. Then, in one of my not so great moments I headed onto the 110 freeway instead of staying on the 105 freeway. Brain fart!!! No problem, as we continued north on the 110 and would eventually jump onto the 10 freeway going West. As we crept along the freeway I started to notice that you were falling asleep which was kind of surprising since you had just woken up around 8:00am. We were about a couple miles from the location when we heard this hurling sound coming from the back. I turned to look over my shoulder and I saw this fountain of yellow chunks spewing out of your mouth. It wouldn't stop. You had this horrified look on your face as if you had just seen the video from the movie The Ring. More and more flying chunks were streaming from your mouth and you didn't know what to do. Here's where it got interesting. Your mom was also watching this take place and then she started to appear to begin to regurgitate her food. She said that she was going to throw up herself because of the smell. So here I am driving down the 10 freeway with two heaving souls as passengers. I told her to grab the bag from the floor and throw up in there in if she had to. Cooler heads prevailed and she was able to contain herself. You on the other hand were covered in a concoction that would have made Linda Blair proud. Green, yellow, brown, all the colors of the rainbow were present and all over you and the car seat. You cried a little because you weren't sure what happened. To the best of my recollection you've only thrown up once or twice in your whole life. I could see inside your mouth when you were crying that you had some small chunks still in there. Gross!!! Finally we made it to our exit, which seemed like an eternity. We couldn't really do much since we were driving on the freeway. Your mom jumped into the back to do some damage control and we finally arrived at the school. Luckily we had arrived early enough so that she could go inside and grab some paper towels and we could begin the decontamination process. You were literally covered from head to toe with throw up. I told you mom to go ahead and change over and I would handle to rest of the clean up. I took you out and put you in the back of the Highlander and took your clothes off. I cleaned you up to the best of my ability and had you sit in the back while I wiped down the seat as best I could. The smell was overwhelming, but didn't both me much. Finally, I re-dressed you and took you for a walk to Best Buy. You were back in good spirits and we carried on with our day. We came back and watched your mom for a few minutes before class was over. We were ready to leave and unfortunately had to put you back into the seat since we don't carry a spare with us. It wasn't too bad, and we went to grab your mom a "Godmother" sandwich from the Deli and some french bread for me and you. You ended up falling asleep on the way home. We made it back to our casa and put you down in the bed where you continued to sleep. I took out the seat and me and your mom disassembled it so that we could wash it along with your clothes. I am happy to report this morning that your seat came out clean and smelling fresh again. Me and your mom were up early putting the seat back together and once complete I put it back into the car as if nothing had ever happened. You're doing well and we believe that this will get chalked up to just getting car sick. I hope that this was a one time thing, but you never know. All we can do is be ready for the next time you decide to show us what you food looks like coming back up. By the way I didn't have the heart to take a picture of you covered in chunks. Probably for the better!