Well today was your very first trip to an Amusement park. What a lucky day to go. First day of November and the temperature is 87 degrees. So we got down there a little after 10:00am. Me being the Veteran that I am, we were able to get in for free and only had to pay for the parking. We went straight to Camp Snoopy and started looking for rides that you could go on. You took some pictures with Snoopy and then it was off to the rides. You seemed more anxious to step on puddle of water than get on the rides. Most of the rides have a height requirement that you were just slightly under. Pretty funny considering you just turned two. Luckily one of us was able to get on most of them with you. You really enjoyed the car ride with your mom and the truck with me. You did bonk your head once and quickly learned that you need to hang on while on the ride. As time went on it started to get warmer so we decided to call it an early day. It only took us around two hours to get you through all the rides. So, everything was going well and we were on our way back to the car in the parking lot when in slow motion you eat some concrete with your forehead and front teeth. What an ending to a great few hours of fun. You actually bleed a little, but were soon fine. We stopped at In-N-Out for lunch and then straight home. You feel asleep rather easy and enjoyed a long nap. Hopefully you'll get to go again soon and know more about what's going on.